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We Are Here For You

Dear members, 

     As our region continues to move through Phase I of reopening, we are all anxious to resume the operation of the Medical Fitness Center. At this time, Governor Cuomo has introduced gyms and fitness centers to be included in Phase IV of the reopening plan.  If this holds true and we continue to be successful in managing this crisis, we are projecting a late June to early July opening.  

     We do not know how we are going to reopen, as our State has yet to release specific details. Once we receive any updates, we will notify you regarding the specifics. Be assured that compliance and safety for you and the staff is our number one goal. We have been busy cleaning and moving equipment to assure social distancing. Once we have the specific details from the State, we will finalize our plans for resuming operation and we will pass it along.

     In the meantime, we continue to be here for you, stay safe, and stay connected with us. We will continue to offer our virtual services, continuing to offer online programs and fitness coaching.  We are constantly imagining new ways to remain connected.   

We miss you all and hope you are continuing to find ways to move and remain healthy. 


Adirondack Health Medical Fitness Center staff. 

Paper Boxes

By April Martin

The first few weeks of quarantine were the toughest for me. The emotional journey was, at many times, overwhelming. I don’t know that I had ever experienced fear like that ever before in my life. A lot of us turn to exercise when we’re in turmoil to work out the unwelcome energy. Unfortunately, all of our favorite spots were locked down. I needed a way to cope. I love making things. Some would call me an artist, I consider myself a crafter. I had run out of gift boxes, and long ago had a great idea to make my own. I sat down and made a paper box. It was an excellent distraction, just detailed enough where I had to pay attention, but it wasn’t too demanding considering my available attention span. I made a few more and it became soothing. For the following weeks, when I felt the stress coming on, I made a paper box. The result of all that anxiety and fear became something really beautiful, 57 paper boxes. That was worry well spent. I hope you all find your paper boxes.

This circuit can be done with any weight: a kettlebell will work best but you can use a dumbbell, or any other weighted object, a gallon milk container, or even a bag or backpack filled with books.

Figure 8's- 30 seconds each direction

Halos- 30 seconds each direction

Romanian Deadlift- 10 Repetitions

Goblet Squat and Press- 10 repetitions

Supported Row- 10 repetitions per side

Overhead Lunge- 10 repetitions per side Single Arm Swings - 12 total repetitions

Perform this circuit continuously with as little rest as possible (maximum 30 seconds) in between exercises and repeat 3 times total. Take 2 minutes of recovery in between circuits.

Instructional video for the circuit:Click Here

Coming soon: Kettle Bell Training Program!

Our coaches get together weekly to discuss different fitness topics and articles. It is their time to share and learn. Our Coach's Corner is taking their always evolving knowledge in fitness and wellness one step further and sharing these topics with you. Now you can get an inside peek on what our coaches discuss. 

This weeks topic brought to you by Sheila Decker ATC, CSCS

Healthy strategies for successful weight loss and weight maintenance: a systematic review  As the number of overweight and obese individuals in the United States and the world rises, the search for successful weight loss and maintenance strategies intensifies. While many desire to lose weight to improve their quality of life they are presented with a wide array of options and products for doing so; many of these strategies are ineffective, expensive, do not promote sustainable weight loss, or are even dangerous.  The purpose of this study was to examine current data on weight loss and weight loss maintenance in order to identify the most effective strategies. Successful weight loss was considered to be greater than or equal to 5% body weight while successful maintenance was defined as maintaining that 5% weight loss for a minimum of 12 months. The study focused on methods that could be achieved on an individual level; methods requiring intervention from a medical professional such as extreme caloric deficit or pharmacological or surgical strategies were therefore not examined.  Characteristics of successful interventions:  ● Reduced energetic (caloric) intake; this was most commonly achieved by reducing fat intake  ● Increased dietary fiber was a component of 21% of successful interventions  ● Physical activity was a component of 88% of successful interventions  ● Behavior training such as self-monitoring was present in 92% of successful interventions  ● These same combinations were present for successful weight loss maintenance  This study confirms prior knowledge about weight loss and maintenance; a multifaceted approach that integrates caloric deficit, physical activity, and behavior training yields successful weight loss and maintenance. These strategies can be accomplished on an individual level by implementing incremental lifestyle changes over a long period of time. This study reminds us that weight loss and maintenance cannot be accomplished overnight; it takes consistent commitment and adjustment. Education and behavioral adjustment are important factors that cannot be overlooked.  So what might “behavioral adjustment” look like? Well it could take the form of simple exercises like goal setting or journaling. It could be finding replacement behaviors for emotional eating. Below are some examples of journal prompts:  ● List three of your most important values currently, then list three that you would like to embody moving forward. Now write a plan for how you will embody those values.  ● Write out a schedule of what your most ideal day would consist of. Now choose one of these activities to do today!  ● Write down one thing you can accomplish today  If you find yourself emotionally eating or eating due to boredom, try using replacement behaviors when you feel like eating. Try the following steps:  1. Stop and take 5 deep breaths.  2. HALT: Ask yourself “Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired?  3. If what you are feeling is one of the later 3 (or another emotion) choose an activity to satisfy that emotion. For example, if you are feeling lonely, call or text a friend for a chat. If you are feeling angry try a calming activity like gardening, coloring, or spending time with a pet. If you are feeling tired choose an activity that excites you, or perhaps a nap if you can.  If you desire to lose weight and have tried other strategies without success, you might consider working with a coach. A coach can teach you how to gradually and sustainably reduce caloric intake, increase your physical activity, and make behavioral changes such as self-monitoring. Having a coach also gives you support and helps to hold you accountable; weight loss can feel extremely stressful and overwhelming, it sometimes feels like you are alone in your quest and having the support of even one person who knows exactly just how hard you are working can be incredibly valuable. If you are ready to take a step forward toward weight loss and start working with a coach, email 

For the full article click here

5 medium carrots sliced into thin "coins" using a mandolin or knife · ½ cup cooked quinoa · 1/3 cup golden raisins · 1/3 cup shelled pumpkin seeds (I used sunflower seeds) · ½ cup chickpeas (not dry) · 3 tbsp. chopped parsley · 3 tbsp. chopped mint Dressing: 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. real maple syrup, ¼ tsp. cumin, 3 tbsp. olive oil Toss all of the ingredients together. This can be prepared ahead of time, adding the seeds, herbs, and dressing just before serving. Enjoy!

Nutritional Tid-Bit From Joni Gerken

Nutrition per serving with a yield of 8 servings: 147 calories 8g fat 3g protein 16g carbohydrates 3g fiber Seeds are a great source of both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They also provide essential minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, and calcium. Individual types of seeds do have specific boast-worthy qualities. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, magnesium, and phosphorus. Where sunflower seeds provide more vitamin E and folate. Incorporating a variety of seeds in your diet will maximize the individual nutritional benefits.  

For more information on dietary counseling contact Joni Gerken at 518-359-8854. Joni is now offering online counseling. 

To learn more, click here!

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