Rules & Bylaws
For more information on Membership see our Frequently Asked Questions and Answers page here
The members of AHMFC shall be classified as follows:
1. Primary Members
A member who pays an enrollment fee and full monthly dues (as determined by the membership level at which he/she joins) shall be classified as a “Primary Member” and have full use of the AHMFC facilities.
2. Secondary Members
A spouse or partner of a Primary Member residing within the same household who pays the designated monthly dues shall be classified as a “Secondary Member” in conjunction with a Primary Member.
3. Family Members
Dependent children (IRS definition or other family members for which the Primary Member is legal guardian) of a Primary Member residing within the same household who pays the designated monthly dues shall be classified as a “Family Member.” Children ages 13 – 26 years will have full use of the AHMFC facilities and eligible programs. Limitations may apply in certain areas of AHMFC. Children age 6 weeks – 12 years will have use of the pool area during designated times and for specific programs only and are not permitted to use any other areas of the facility. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.
AHMFC reserves the right to establish other classifications of memberships as it considers appropriate. AHMFC memberships are non-transferable.
Member agrees to abide by all membership rules and regulations of the Club which may be posted at the Club, issued orally, or published at Management’s sole discretion.
1. Changes in Account Information
Member shall be responsible for providing written notice to AHMFC of any changes of name, address, phone number, email address, marital status, or billing information. All communications from the AHMFC shall be presumed to have been received by the member. AHMFC is not responsible for any missed communication, this includes AHMFC not being responsible for any missed communications that may have resulted in the unknowing of membership dues being turned on after AHMFC’s closure in 2020. Missed communication is not subject to an eligible refund of membership dues. All membership dues are final unless it was an error of AHMFC.
2. Changes in Membership Type
Additions of secondary or family members to your primary membership are subject to any applicable difference in initiation fees and prorated dues. Reductions in membership for month-to-month agreements can be made at any time with no charge and are effective at the end of the month in which written notification is received by AHMFC.
Any changes made to a membership (adding or removing secondary/family members) must be given by written notice and are effective at the end of the month in which written notice is received by the AHMFC. The member who signed the agreement is the only party who can make changes to the account. When upgrading the difference in initiation fee is to be paid along with any applicable prorated amount.
Members are required to provide the AHMFC with accurate billing information and authorization for billing.
3. Cancellation
AHMFC members who are not bound by a yearly contract may cancel their membership at any time.
Initiation fees for any new membership, that is canceled within 3 days from the original contract date, will be refunded to the member.
Cancellations for month-to-month memberships must be provided in writing by the 20th of the month and are effective at the end of the month in which written notice is received by the AHMFC.
Term memberships that are currently under contract may not cancel their membership before the end of the term. See exceptions under Cancellation Procedures.
Cancellation will only become effective after all outstanding charges on the membership account are paid in full.
4. Cancellation Procedures
The primary member who signed the agreement must complete a Cancellation form, stating the date of cancellation, reason for cancellation, and member signature by the 20th of the month. Cancellation must be submitted to the General Manager and supporting documentation should be included with the cancellation form. Cancellations may be made in person, by fax, by email or by certified mail, return receipt requested. Members are responsible for the receipt confirmation of cancellation paperwork. Cancellation will be effective at the end of the month in which written notice is received by the AHMFC. Any cancellations received after the 20th of the month will be effective at the end of the following month.
Members under a current term contract must complete a Membership Cancellation Form, stating the date of cancellation, reason for cancellation, proper documentation supporting the reason for cancellation, and member signature. Members may only cancel before their term is completed for the following reasons:
Moving more than 25 miles away from the AHMFC facility. Written proof of relocation must be provided, such as the official U.S. Postal Service change of address form.
Medical reason; documented by a medical physician stating that the member cannot participate in any activities for more than six months.
If you do not have a medical reason or documentation that you have moved away, you may choose to end your 12-month term by paying 50% of your remaining dues.
5. Freezes
AHMFC enables our members to take a leave of absence due to medical necessities, temporary work relocations, and /or extended vacations (greater than 30 days). Upon submission of verification of absence acceptable to the Club, any member in good standing may convert the entire membership to freeze status. A member may freeze their membership for a maximum of six months per calendar year. Frozen memberships will be effective at the end of the month in which written notification is given and are effective for monthly increments thereafter. Freeze membership fees will be set by the AHMFC and must be paid in advance at the time of request. Upon reactivation of the membership, normal monthly billing will continue at the then-applicable rate.
Memberships may be frozen provided the following conditions are met:
The membership account is paid up to date
The membership hasn’t previously been frozen that year
A Freeze Request Form is completed and signed by the primary or associate member prior to approval.
Membership freeze fees may be waived based on these conditions:
Serious illness or injury incapacitates the primary or associate members to such an extent it is impossible to make use of AHMFC facilities. Physician documentation must be provided.
6. Expulsion
Management reserves the right to expel a member. If such expulsion is for violation of any Policy, Rule, or Procedure or for any other conduct deemed detrimental to the general welfare of AHMFC and/or its members, the expelled member’s enrollment fee shall be forfeited.
7. Dues Adjustment
It is our intent to keep the monthly dues as low as possible. Due to increases in costs of goods and services, the monthly dues may be adjusted by management on a periodic basis. Member will be given thirty-day (30) written advance notice of any dues increase. Memberships that are on a yearly agreement may be adjusted within the term of the agreement.
8. Payment of Membership Dues & Access to Services
An active Medical Fitness Membership in good standing provides access to its services/facility, however, AHMFC reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, change the terms on which members are permitted to access the facility as part of the Membership, including by imposing fees or by limiting or denying your access to the facility and its services if your Membership is past due, on freeze or you have any other outstanding unpaid balances on your account. We reserve the right to take any lawful action in response to any past-due Service or Membership Fees or other charges, including: (1) charging the primary payment method on file or any other payment methods we may have on file for your Account; (2) canceling or otherwise suspending your access to the facility and its services until all past-due amounts and any accrued fees are paid.
9. Accessing the Facility
Members must scan their key card at the front desk when accessing the facility each time. Access is subject to be denied if there are any past-due amounts on the account. AHMFC personnel have the right to question any ‘member’ accessing the facility who doesn’t appear to meet the description/photo of the scanned key card. The request for identification will be based on the discretion of the employee. All members are required to have a photo on file.
10. Appointments & Cancellations
When you book your appointment, you are holding a space in our calendar that is no longer available to other members. To be respectful of your fellow members, please notify your coach/dietitian/or the front desk as soon as you know you will not be able to make your appointment.
If cancellation is necessary, we require that you call at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another member access to that time.
How to Cancel
If you need to cancel your appointment, please call us at 518.523.8521 or get in touch with your fitness coach by email or phone. If necessary, leave a detailed voice message and we will return your call very quickly.
Late Cancellations/no-shows
A cancellation is considered late when the appointment is canceled less than 24 hours before the appointment time. A no-show is when a member misses an appointment without canceling. In either case, a missed appointment fee in the amount of $25 will be applied. For new clients’ first appointments, a no-show or late cancellation will result in a full charge for the appointment.
11. Payment of Services
All members who partake in any services are required to keep an active credit card on file. Payment of service is to be made at the time of service, or before. If payment isn’t made at the time of the completed service, the credit card on file will automatically be charged. If the card on file is declined, a $20 late fee will be applied to the account. Adirondack Health Medical Fitness Center reserves the right to cancel all future scheduled appointments if payment isn’t made at the time of service. If past due amounts remain beyond 10 days, access to the facility will be denied until payments are reconciled. The Medical Fitness Center reserves the right to charge a $20 late fee for any service that is left unpaid after the time of service is completed.
12. Refund Policy
AHMFC reserves the right to issue refunds or not on a case-by-case basis. In general, all membership dues and payment of services are final within the terms of the signed agreement and are not subject to refund after billing has been processed. To stop billing for any reason, this must be approved by AHMFC via a freeze request and the associated freeze fee. To cease all future billing, the member must be past their 12-month termed contractual obligation and submit a cancelation request before the 20th of the month in order to stop billing for the following month. Billing refunds are only acceptable if it is AHMFC error, otherwise, all monthly billing is final after the first of the month. If you wish to cancel your membership prior to your 12-month term ending, the proper request must be filled out in its entirety along with the proper documentation. If you do not have a medical reason or documentation that you have moved away, you may choose to end your 12-month term by paying 50% of your remaining dues. For classes, swim classes, focused group training and fitness coaching, and any other services, 24-hour notice is required to be considered for a refund. All sales are final and not eligible for a refund after the program's official start date. Refunds will be issued on account and can be used within the facility at another time for any of the services offered at the AHMFC. All refunds in the form of original payment tendered may be subject to a processing fee of $25.
The member financial responsibility and collection terms state that you are responsible for the payment of all monthly dues and other Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center charges from the start of your agreement to the end of your agreement term. All obligations contained in the agreement are for all members who are part of a couple or family membership. The agreement also states that late payment of fees or other charges may result in late fees or interest charges, none of which will exceed legal limits, and that the member who signed the contract shall be responsible for and agree to pay any and all late fees, interest charges, collection agency fees and attorney’s fees and cost incurred by Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center to recover any outstanding balances owed to AHMFC.
13. Children at the Medical Fitness Center
1. General Policy
AHMFC extends full membership privileges to children 13-years of age and older (limitations may apply to certain areas of AHMFC) along with providing occasional programs and activities for younger children who are properly supervised. Children under the 15-years of age require direct supervision while using the AHMFC at all times.
2. Children Six Weeks Through Twelve Years
Children under the age of 13-years must be within “arms reach” supervision at all times. No children under the age 13 should be on pool deck, hallways, etc. unless they are in the immediate “arm’s length” supervision of an adult.
Children under 13-years are not permitted on the adult fitness floor. Children must use their appropriate gender locker room. Children under the age of four may use either locker room while accompanied by an adult.
All guests and members of the facility are expected to follow these rules.
1. Check-In
All members, guests, and family members must check in at the front desk and present their membership card prior to using the facilities.
2. Card Replacement
A processing fee may be charged for the replacement of lost membership cards.
3. Tobacco
Use of tobacco products is not permitted on any Adirondack Health campus or within any Adirondack Health facility.
4. Proper Attire
All members will be expected to wear appropriate attire when using AHMFC facilities. Shoes, shirts, and appropriate-length shorts are required at all times in all areas outside of locker rooms and pool areas. (sports bras are not considered a shirt, and shorts that resemble underwear aren’t allowed). Only non-marking, light-soled athletic shoes that will not be marked on exercise floors are permitted in these areas. Open-toed or aquatic shoes are not permitted outside the pool and locker room area. In winter months, snowy shoes and boots must be left near the designated areas to maintain a clean and dry environment within the fitness center and locker rooms.
5. Member Conduct
All members are required to conduct themselves in a manner that is not offensive or harassing to the membership or staff of AHMFC. Delivery of instruction, including but not limited to, personal training and group classes, by anyone who is not an AHMFC employee is not allowed. Promotion of business or services without express written permission by AHMFC within the facility is not allowed. Any inappropriate behavior by a member of the facility will result in suspension or expulsion from AHMFC.
6. Image.
Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center has the right to take photographic or moving picture records (“Images”) of me at Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center or during Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center sponsored events or programs and agree that Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center may use such Images for promotional and/or commercial purposes, as well as approve such use by third parties with whom Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center may engage in joint marketing, without remuneration to me. I hereby assign Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center all rights, titles, and interests I may have in or to any and all media in which such images and my name or likeness might be used by Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center.
The use of any device, including a mobile phone or tablet, for photography, and/or videotaping is not allowed unless prior written authorization is obtained from the management of Adirondack Health’s Medical Fitness Center.
Cell phones are strictly prohibited in locker room areas. This includes but is not limited to, photos, video, text, and calls.
7. Lockers Rooms
Personal belongings are not to be left in lockers beyond the time a member is using AHMFC (unless a locker has been rented). AHMFC is not responsible for members’ personal belongings. Members are urged to avoid bringing valuables onto fitness center premises. Management, its affiliates, agents, or employees, shall not be liable for loss, theft, or damage to personal property of members or guests.
Cellphones, photos, recordings of any kind, cameras, and devices are strictly prohibited in the locker rooms. The use of any form of recording in the locker room will result in suspension or loss of membership.
8. Lost and Found
Items left at the AHMFC will be turned into lost and found. These items can be claimed at the front desk. Any item not claimed within a two-week period will be turned over to a local charity.
9. Use of Wet Areas
Members are required to shower before entering the pools.
Shaving is not permitted in the pools or on the pool decks/showers.
Appropriate swim attire is required in the pools.
Swim caps are required in the lap pool.
10. Guest Policy
Members 18-years and older may bring guests to the AHMFC. The front desk personnel have the right to decline entry to anyone with a complimentary guest pass if it appears to be unauthorized. Guests in excess of four must be pre-approved by the Director. Guests under the age of 18-years must be accompanied by an adult member and have a waiver signed by a legal guardian. In addition, they will be asked to pay the appropriate guest fee and must be accompanied by an adult AHFMC member. All guests must sign the guest waiver.