It's a new month and with it brought a lot of changes. It also brings opportunities for new beginnings and growth. We have decided to focus this month on accountability. We are holding ourselves accountable to you and we ask you to take a similar approach. What will you hold yourself accountable for this month? Plenty of people set goals, but far fewer are actually willing to declare their goals in a way that sets them up for success. What is the key to success? Accountability.
Studies have shown that when you share your goals with others, you are twice as likely to achieve them. In holding yourself accountable you are communicating to the universe that your goal is a priority—it’s not just something that may or may not get done. By not setting your goals as a priority, you aren’t truly committing to them.
Here are just a few ways to help kick start your month by holding yourself more accountable.
Tell a friend about your goal. Share your goals with someone who loves you, who will ask you about your goals, support you in achieving them, and celebrate with you when you do.
Join a group. If you’ve ever participated in a book club, you know that gathering with others to discuss the latest novel makes it far more likely that you’ll find the time to read it.
Use technology. There are plenty of apps and websites that have been created specifically to help with accountability, by either offering reminders and tracking systems or by connecting you with other people who are also trying to complete similar goals.
Get a coach. Coaches assist you in clarifying your goals, to hold you to a reasonable timeline, and to help develop strategies for overcoming obstacles that get in the way of achieving the final outcome (plus, you’re more likely to try to get your money’s worth if you’ve invested in someone to help you). One of the defining characteristics of coaching is that it creates a measuring tool for action and a means for reporting on self-learning. Good coaches never judge, scold, or blame; they simply help you realize what works and what doesn’t when it comes to the commitments you make to yourself.
Write it down. For some people, simply writing their goals down on paper is enough to move the dream into reality. Written promises to yourself can strengthen the internal fortitude needed to complete a challenging task. Posting reminders and checklists in a visible location (like a daily planner, a wall calendar, or a note on the desktop of your computer) can be an effective motivator for follow-through.
McGinley, Karson. Accountability: The Key To Reaching Your Goals. The Chopra Center. 2017
Walking Toward Better Health
The main story, by Sheila Decker ATC, CSCS
The fitness industry is constantly changing; every day there are new programs, equipment, and supplements created with the goal of enticing the consumer. It is easy to get swept up in the shiny new fitness fads, thinking “this will be the thing that makes all the difference” but once the initial excitement wears off we are stuck with another piece of equipment we don’t use, a program we don’t enjoy, the mysterious powder that tastes awful, and the same feelings of frustration that we aren't seeing the results we desire.
What if we could improve our fitness and body composition without spending hours in the gym? What if we could improve our heart and lung function without running? What if we could do this all ANYWHERE, ANYTIME for FREE?! The good news is, we can! All you need is a pair of shoes to walk your way to better health.
Benefits of Walking
Walking can increase cardiovascular and pulmonary health and has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke. It can help manage chronic health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and stiffness or pain. Walking is a low impact activity that makes it suitable for anyone with pre-existing joint issues. Because of the low stress, it is unlikely to cause soreness or injury making it an excellent form of supplementary exercise for someone who already puts a high amount of impact on their body during their regular workouts or someone with a weight loss goal who is already resistance training. Like other weight-bearing activities it helps to increase bone density and can improve multiple areas of fitness including balance, muscular strength and endurance. It requires minimal equipment and is free to all; anyone can benefit from walking!
How Much Should You Walk?
In order to reap the most health benefits, the American Heart Association suggests that adults should walk for 30 minutes, 5 days per week at a “brisk” pace. This means that you should be able to talk but not carry on a continuous conversation- you may puff and even break a light sweat. If you are unable to walk for 30 minutes start by aiming to walk for 10 minutes 3 times a day and slowly increase your duration.
Incorporating Walking Into Your Day
It can be difficult to find the time to walk; try to schedule it into your day and make it a priority. If you are unable to devote time to walk every day, keep the following tips in mind.
Walk your dog or offer to walk a neighbor's dog.
Meet a friend for a walk instead of going out to eat.
If you are strapped for a time remember: something is better than nothing at all. Set your timer on your phone or watch for 5 or 10 minutes and then turn around when you are out of time.
Try to find small opportunities to walk- park a little further away or leave the car at home altogether.
Increasing Intensity
If you find yourself progressing or looking for more of a challenge try out the following tips:
Increase your duration
Increase your pace- try walking faster first for as long as you can before slowing down or walking at a faster pace for intervals.
Walk up hills
Walk carrying weights or a backpack
Try different styles of walking; take longer strides, take many short strides, pick your knees up high and march, walk down the line on the side of the road with one foot in front of the other- be creative!
Making Walking More Enjoyable
Exercise should be fun! If you find yourself bored with your usual walking routine, try switching things up:
Take a different route- try walking down some different streets or if you usually do a loop, simply go the other direction.
Seek out a new trail
Walk with your family- if you have children (or if you don’t) try playing games such as “I Spy” or have a speed walking race
Walk at different times of day- the same place can look wildly different at dawn, dusk, and midday.
Sample Walking Workout Plan Sunday: walk for 30-minutes in total. Monday: Walking intervals: increase pace for 30-seconds, walk normally for two minutes. 30-minutes in total. Tuesday: Walk for 30-minutes in total. Wednesday: Rest day (optional walk). Thursday: Walking intervals; march (high knees) for 30-seconds; walk normally for two minutes. 30-minutes in total. Friday: Walk for 30-minutes in total. Saturday: Rest day (Optional walk).
Department of Health & Human Services. Walking for good health. Better Health Channel. Published June 30, 2015. Accessed April 2, 2020.
Harvard Health Publishing. Walking: Your steps to health. Harvard Health. Accessed April 2, 2020.
Your NEW Adirondack Health Medical Fitness Center Member Online Account
Log into your brand new member account. Here you can access your account information, pay for fitness coaching and more.*note that some functions aren't operating at this time due to the closure of the facility.
Log in to your account by going to
Click on “new user register”
If you don't know. your member ID, enter your email address that is on file with us and you will get an email. Or - contact April and Liz at
Create your new account and then follow the steps.
We are here for you now, and the times ahead...
Invest in your future by investing in ours...
Now you can donate to Adirondack Health Medical Fitness Center by logging into your online member account at, or by
We will not be charging membership dues or access to our online group fitness classes for the duration of our closure. Our staff will continue to be there for you in every way possible - we strive to be your stability in a time of uncertainty.
From April's Kitchen To Yours
Quinoa With Kale And Sundried Tomatoes
"I love to make this in my rice cooker, but it can be done on the stovetop too." April
The recipe
1/3 cup quinoa
2/3 cup broth or water
2 handfuls of kale-stemmed, rinsed and chopped
1/3 cup chopped sundried tomatoes
1/3 cup onion
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt, pepper, and grated Parmesan to taste
Choose your method of cooking; rice cooker or medium-size pot. In that pot or pan, heat oil on medium heat and sauté the onion, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes until onions are translucent, 4-5minutes. Some rice cookers have a sauté feature which works great. Quinoa will cook on the regular setting of a rice cooker so if you don’t have the sauté feature just go ahead and start the regular cycle. Stir in quinoa and kale, sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add broth, stirring until kale is coated. For the stovetop, put a lid on the pan and cook according to the cooking instructions on the quinoa packaging, most likely on low-medium heat for 15-20 minutes. For rice cookers, after adding the broth and stirring to coat the kale, close the lid and allow the rice cooker to complete the regular cycle. For either method, when cooking is complete fluff up the quinoa and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Add sea salt, black pepper, and a dash of grated Parmesan. This recipe makes a generous helping for one or a side dish for two.
"Kale and tomatoes are a very good source of beta carotene, which is a precursor for vitamin A (our body does the conversion after eating). Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for a healthy immune system." Joni Gerken, RD, CDN Clinical Nutrition Manager
Nutrition breakdown
Yield of two servings as entrée:
329 calories
10g protein
20g fat
32g carbohydrates
5g fiber
Yield of four servings as a side dish:
165 calories
5g protein
10g fat
16g carbohydrates
2g fiber
For more information on dietary counseling contact Joni Gerken at 518-359-8854. Joni is now offering online counseling.